build content

Build your content on your platform and build brand authority.

Grow your content incubator:

  • Never go light. Deep dive into topics and bolster what you write with actionable advice.
  • Write longer blog posts. Go for 1500 words in length for authoritative content. Go for 3000 words for in-depth guides.

You still need to be creative.

b2b content ideas

Get your brand on the radar of influencers. People might consider your brand through strong blogging. Here’s some ideas.

to sell an idea

Here are some hints to remember when selling an idea:

  • Discover something the other person wants to do, be, or have.
  • Keep your motive honorable. Sincerity and truth pay off.
  • Handle controversial points with care. Start with ideas on which there is the most agreement.
  • Remember, people don’t like to be told they are wrong.
  • Encourage the other person to do the talking. Hear them out. Don’t interrupt.
  • Don’t force your opinion on others: Make suggestions and let listeners draw their own conclusions. Be ready to concede a point.
The best idea in the world won’t do much good unless it is acted upon. Don’t let negative attitudes or actions keep your good ideas from circulation.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.





4 steps to becoming an influencer

If you have been following Social Media for any length of time, you know about influencers. These are brands, organizations, and people who influence Social Media topics and trends. They have tendencies to post and share content often. Their information has proven to be vital for my business and I have taken influencer’s advice.


What attributes are needed to become an influencer? I explored this area and I’m grateful to report my results. I hope you find this useful.


A strong motivation exists for people to influence. Folks want to make a difference. Influencers have created a portion of their agenda to start a mission which turns topic complexity into simplicity. The characteristics, which enable influencers to be very knowledgeable and skilled in their fields, come to the forefront when they create a project. They are decisive and have a directive to achieve success. Their tasks are filled with enthusiasm. Their prospects for success are realized through their drive to understand the contributing process, whatever their role is in an organization.


There are four steps influencers take to bring success to fruition:


  1. Know the aspects of the project. Social Media is rooted in campaigns, whether it be a major advertising program or a single blog post. Influencers always establish keywords, whether an influencer is an SEO expert or not. Keywords rise to the top of their content.


Keywords are, in my estimation, positions associated with specific actions and are further developed during transition periods. When a new topic hits Social Media, it takes time to be absorbed by the audience. I’ve noticed we, who follow Social Media, see a “catch-up” phase when a new idea is published. This phase is constructed in several levels which are amended according to our individual needs. Influencers see this construction and know that certain levels need explaining or further expanded upon. Oftentimes expansion is focused on implementation. Influence makes development relevant.


  1. Know the opportunities. Influencers see opportunity. They learn fast. They get a feel for process and refine elements of a process to fit their needs. Initiative is vital. Influencers know what direction to take and articulate goals to solidify suggestions to make to potential customers. This basically gives then drive.


  1. Develop relationships. Influencers know their market and realize it’s always changing. They know and understand key people who have influenced them. They anticipate their reach and the reach of key people. Influencers have established, trusted relationships and support the opportunity to contribute suggestions and initiatives.


  1. Know the role. Leaders know history and their expected responsibilities. They evaluate considerations and validate initial research that informs them to execute strategies. Influencers identify and establish key responsibilities for carrying out a project and support the “go-to” people who enable the responsiveness required to establish the initiative to succeed. Leaders assemble select teams. They know the basic foundation which develops the drive to execute a plan.


These four items are the basic elements of an influencer. Remember, influencers have made career decisions on what they’ve learned. This helped them to advance. Know the importance of these four basic, fundamental ingredients. Study them. Practice them. Make the commitment and you too will eventually become an influencer.


content marketing and positioning

Content is an important aspect of social media and blogging. Content allows us to build a brand, gain trust, and to market products and services.

Marketing with content is subtle. To get through with content marketing, we need to focus on what our target audience likes and wants. We have to learn to put our marketing message into the content. We have to learn to invest more effort into understanding our audience and what they’re looking for.

This means we have to do the research.


Results from this kind of marketing might include a premium food shop that displays recipes which includes ingredients found in the food shop. You get the idea.

Catch your target group where there is a real clear message to convey. This allows you to show your knowledge and build trust. Creating content that is close to what you sell and/or is an art. Social media offers new and exciting chances of spreading your content to your target groups.

To get optimal affect, you have to have a content marketing strategy.

Two important items for a strong strategy are:

  • Research
  • Distribution

These two items lead us to another concept:

  • Positioning

Positioning is a strategic exercise that that takes distribution and marketing communications into account. This starts a “strategic management” of the brand. Positioning is vital and a must to keep your brand fresh. This “freshness” brings new interest and leads to new customers.

For a good positioning statement we have to give some attention to strategic thought. Strategic thought takes in competitor analysis (research).

Brands are recalled by consumers to solve certain problems throughout the day. Brand considerations are context specific and different contexts spark brand options. The most successful brands are linked to a wide range of different situations. Smart brands actively seek to expand their situations.

Positioning should act as a practical and powerful tool to help consumers focus their thinking. If you make content that zeroes in to help a consumer solve a particular problem, you’ve positioned your brand well.

The key is to position your content for brand awareness and/or recall. Remember context. Bring you brand into consideration by producing content with more options why consumers should use your product or service.

By analyzing the competition, the consumer, and the company in question (including yours), brands define themselves with strong positioning.

Positioning has evolved with strategic management centered around research and distribution. Do your research and plan your distribution with various social media channels and other distribution channels.

Later, I’ll write about how research helps with strategic management.

Sources for this post: What’s Content Marketing again? March 25, 2016 Is it time to reposition repositioning? January 23, 2018