common human behavior

People don’t want the product; they want what the product can do for them.

Have you ever bought a tube of toothpaste? Probably. Why did you buy the toothpaste? You bought because you want your teeth to be clean. Your gums too. Your smile to be bright and your breath to be clean.

In order to sell the results of a product, you must accomplish three tasks:

  • Identify a need that will be filled or a problem that will be solved.
  • Make the listener (viewer, reader) aware of that need or problem.
  • Show the listener (viewer, reader) how your product or service will fill the need or solve the problem.

Present the information from the listener’s point of view.

The listener cares only about what the advertiser can do to add to the listener’s life. Remember, your listeners don’t care about the advertiser’s product or service unless you make them. They don’t know about the advertiser’s product or service unless you tell them.

Tell them in a way that shows them why they should care and how this product or service will make their lives better.

Successful advertising intersects common behavior.

Have “common human behavior” in mind to think of behavior that most of your target audience has experienced.

By “common human behavior“, we’re talking about behavior that most of your target audience has experienced:

  • Filling out income tax returns and filing by the due date.
  • Losing cell phone service in certain areas.
  • Walking into a room and not remembering why you entered the room.

Create a scenario within your commercial that intersects common human behavior and delivers a good, strong sales message. Do this, and you have a good commercial.

Keep in mind to “relate” to the target audience.

In your commercial, talk like real people talk. Convey real emotion.

Sell the results of the product, not the product itself.

Identify a need that will be filled or a problem that will be solved.

Successful advertising intersects common human behavior.

need to cut down word count?

You’ve written a good first draft. It has all the info you want to convey. But, you are not satisfied. Time to edit.

It’s common for a writer to use too many words. The best way to convey a message is clearly and efficiently.

Writing a first draft means getting you thoughts on the page. That means filler words and repetition. One editing trick that comes in play is the “10% rule”. Cut at least 10% while editing. This may help you to write much clearer.

10% is minimum. You may want to cut 20 to 25%.

7 Tips for Cutting Down Your Word Count

  1. Look for multiple sentences that convey the same thing.
  2. Look for instances where you can replace 3 or 4 words with 1 word.
  3. Active voice is often more efficient than passive voice.
  4. Cut words and sentences that don’t serve the purpose of the text.
  5. Look out for unnecessary objectives or adverbs.
  6. When you have a long piece of writing, divide it into sections and then go to work.
  7. Sometime you may want to cut entire sections or chapters.

Don not make it difficult to cut 10% or more. The editing process is often a battle of will. Put yourself in the role of the reader.

Keep close what you want to achieve.

After you edit, reread your text. Practice editing.

marketing in a crowd

In one Internet minute this happens:

  • 147,000 photos are posted to Facebook
  • 500 hours of new video is posted to YouTube
  • 347,222 stories are added to Instagram

Information processing is a pain. It’s difficult to accept when you’ve done research and get no value from the time you’ve spent. That’s wasting time. We don’t like to do that.

Here are 3 items to keep in mind that helps your content to cut through the clutter. Maybe you’ll help someone save time.

  1. Put animation, GIFs, or video in your posts. Audience attention follows.
  2. Use words associated with visual stimuli.
  3. Use the right colors to impact conversation rates.

Gaining attention is a struggle. Learn and understand “attention” to break through the clutter.

build content

Build your content on your platform and build brand authority.

Grow your content incubator:

  • Never go light. Deep dive into topics and bolster what you write with actionable advice.
  • Write longer blog posts. Go for 1500 words in length for authoritative content. Go for 3000 words for in-depth guides.

You still need to be creative.

6 words to avoid, especially at work

The small words and phrases you resort to every day at work can have an out sized impact on your leadership ability.

Language is a powerful force in all your impromptu conversations.

Your job title isn’t the only thing that determines how influential you are. Every word you use at work expresses your personal brand,


Overusing certain weak verbs can make you sound weaker.

I found a very good post on FastCompany that points out 6 verbs that are overused in the workplace. You might want to limit using these words:

  1. Think
  2. Need
  3. Want
  4. Guess
  5. Hope
  6. Suppose
Focus on dropping these 6 words and notice your confidence increase.


blog your way out

Blog for reflection, thought leadership, and sales. Blogging ties interests and objectives together.

Our blog content should be full of personality. The passion of the industry your in comes to the forefront. This showcases you to those who have an interest too, Your voice in the conversation is heard. This moves you and your product forward.

everyone_has_a_storyYou might feel like you’re doing the same thing over and over again. We all have that feeling – and that’s okay. Just don’t project the feeling of boredom.

Think of this: we aren’t bored, just in a daily routine. Others might wish to have our routine. Think of that too.

the blog is versatile

Consumers are relying on search engines to find the products and services they need, businesses need a way to make themselves discoverable online.

Blogs: the ideal way for brands to build up a good keyword density on their websites. This aids potential customers in their search.


A well-written blog contains lots of good research and other insightful industry news. Don’t struggle to get found online. Sharing industry news shows what you’re talking about.  Blogs gained the online reputation of being the go-to place for all the latest and most reliable industry news and insights.

Use your blog to deliver useful tips, provide advice, answer customer questions, offer opinions, conduct interviews, and provide the details of the benefits of your products or services.

Think about your blog as a valuable customer resource.

Blogs play a crucial part at each of the three stages of the buyer’s journey: the awareness stage, the consideration stage, and the decision stage.

During the awareness stage, your blog helps prospects become aware that they have a problem that needs solving. During the consideration stage,  prospects discover your product, service or solution – but will discover your competition. At the decision stage, prospects will decide to make a purchase – and so once again, your blog will become a hugely valuable resource for the prospect.

Blogs are essential to deliver valuable content. Blogs deliver communication.



words build the relationship

Words engage. Words bridge the gap to experience. Words change relationships.


Words highlight a brand’s character and differentiate it from other brands. Consider that the words you’ll be writing are actually a conversation with the customer. Develop a relationship between the user and the product.


4 steps to becoming an influencer

If you have been following Social Media for any length of time, you know about influencers. These are brands, organizations, and people who influence Social Media topics and trends. They have tendencies to post and share content often. Their information has proven to be vital for my business and I have taken influencer’s advice.


What attributes are needed to become an influencer? I explored this area and I’m grateful to report my results. I hope you find this useful.


A strong motivation exists for people to influence. Folks want to make a difference. Influencers have created a portion of their agenda to start a mission which turns topic complexity into simplicity. The characteristics, which enable influencers to be very knowledgeable and skilled in their fields, come to the forefront when they create a project. They are decisive and have a directive to achieve success. Their tasks are filled with enthusiasm. Their prospects for success are realized through their drive to understand the contributing process, whatever their role is in an organization.


There are four steps influencers take to bring success to fruition:


  1. Know the aspects of the project. Social Media is rooted in campaigns, whether it be a major advertising program or a single blog post. Influencers always establish keywords, whether an influencer is an SEO expert or not. Keywords rise to the top of their content.


Keywords are, in my estimation, positions associated with specific actions and are further developed during transition periods. When a new topic hits Social Media, it takes time to be absorbed by the audience. I’ve noticed we, who follow Social Media, see a “catch-up” phase when a new idea is published. This phase is constructed in several levels which are amended according to our individual needs. Influencers see this construction and know that certain levels need explaining or further expanded upon. Oftentimes expansion is focused on implementation. Influence makes development relevant.


  1. Know the opportunities. Influencers see opportunity. They learn fast. They get a feel for process and refine elements of a process to fit their needs. Initiative is vital. Influencers know what direction to take and articulate goals to solidify suggestions to make to potential customers. This basically gives then drive.


  1. Develop relationships. Influencers know their market and realize it’s always changing. They know and understand key people who have influenced them. They anticipate their reach and the reach of key people. Influencers have established, trusted relationships and support the opportunity to contribute suggestions and initiatives.


  1. Know the role. Leaders know history and their expected responsibilities. They evaluate considerations and validate initial research that informs them to execute strategies. Influencers identify and establish key responsibilities for carrying out a project and support the “go-to” people who enable the responsiveness required to establish the initiative to succeed. Leaders assemble select teams. They know the basic foundation which develops the drive to execute a plan.


These four items are the basic elements of an influencer. Remember, influencers have made career decisions on what they’ve learned. This helped them to advance. Know the importance of these four basic, fundamental ingredients. Study them. Practice them. Make the commitment and you too will eventually become an influencer.